More YouTube videos

Not enough internet data to access our Zoom classes or not free at the time they are offered? No worries, you can now find some of our classes on YouTube. Here is Friday morning’s class, a relatively slow moving gentle to moderate Kripalu Yoga class with a few challenging sequences. “A human being is […]

Participant in Mindful leadership and emotional intelligence training

This training was AMAZING! I’d recommend it for every team and leader in the organisation. The ability to shut off from work and focus on personal mindfulness, leadership, and emotional intelligence should be a requirement at [our organization]. I loved how the meditations were incorporated into the training to teach the ‘practice’. Brilliant overall!


I believe the classes with Cecilia have been the most continuous ones I have ever had. Each morning there was a class I got up with such positive emotions that contributed to the fact of never wanting to miss a class. I have tried different types of yoga in different places but Cecilia actually taught […]